Pixar Movie Posters From Around the World
When a film hits theaters, very few people ever think about how it will be contextualized around the world. Often, we assume that one size fits all. But the truth is, culture matters. And so marketing departments will research the best ways to communicate a product they are attempting to sell in the language of the people they are trying to reach.
Although it is fascinating to see these Pixar movie posters using words and phrases tailored to a culture, I am mostly fascinated with the changes made to each film title.
Check out some of these wonderfully designed Pixar movie posters in their drastically contextualized forms.
Brave, 2012. ©Disney/Pixar.
Toy Story, 2010. ©Disney/Pixar.
UP, 2009. ©Disney/Pixar.
Monsters University, 2013. ©Disney/Pixar.
Cars 2, 2011. ©Disney/Pixar.
Finding Nemo, 2004. ©Disney/Pixar.