Interview With Founder Darrel Larson of Give Clean Water
There are three charities our show is supporting through the sale of art on October 11. One of them is Give Clean Water. GCW is an organization in relentless pursuit of providing a sustainable clean water solution to everyone that needs it.
I recently had the privilege of asking founder Darrel Larson of Give Clean Water three questions. Below are his answers.
Left to right: Actor Adam Beach, Fiji Western Division Health Inspector Rakesh Kumar, and Give Clean Water founder Darrel Larson.
1. The Pixar universe is full of characters we can relate to. Is there one particular character you identify with the most? Why?
I can relate with Buzz Lightyear. I love gadgets and have always wished I could fly. As a kid I would always imagine I was flying when I was running down my street after school.
Also, his catchphrase, “To infinity and beyond", has always stood out to me because it mirrors my life verse. That life verse is Ephesians 3:20 which says, “To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power within us."
2. What person, place or thing is inspiring you right now?
My friend CJ Hobgood is a pro surfer who has faced many challenges in life, but who has the determination of a true champion! I see him fearlessly charging the scariest waves on the planet, and overcoming fears even after some pretty serious poundings. I watch him use his gift of surfing as a platform to inspire others to walk in faith. He’s a true champion with a servant’s heart. I’m also pretty inspired by the Ice Bucket Challenge right now. It's amazing how a little idea grew into a huge outpouring of support for ALS. Any time we can capture the hearts of the world to help change lives…that is epic! I want to spend the rest of my life doing that.
3. Years ago you decided to step up and be an agent of change in the world. What kind of encouragement would you give to someone who believes that their efforts can't make a difference?
Six years ago, Give Clean Water was birthed as an organization to provide a sustainable clean drinking water solution around the world. That is a big task, but every great idea starts as something small and grows into a passionate vision that weathers the ups and downs towards goal completion. The thing is, we are all people with that kind of potential, so don’t be afraid to dream big! But dreaming is only part of the equation. Faith, engagement, and execution of our dreams is key for those dreams to ever come true. Again, my life verse comes into play on this one because I believe if I can dream it up, God is capable of doing immeasurably more!
Water filter install in Fiji.
Click here to learn more about Give Clean Water.