For the Love of Pixar: 'Inside Out' Fan Art Show - Event Recap
We knew from the moment we heard that Pixar film director Pete Docter was working on a film about emotions, that it was going to find a special place in our hearts. In fact, just days before we had even seen the movie, our team had already decided our next For the Love of Pixar fan art show needed the theme of 'Inside Out'. And so the eight month planning journey began...
For the Love of Pixar Show Entrance.
This year's show featured 200+ entries from 150 artists - including the work of 90+ children from Page Private School in Costa Mesa, CA, and Newbreak Playschool in San Diego. We also saw many international entries from artists in England, Spain, Mexico, the Philippines, and all over the US.
Below are several photos from our show - including some from photographers Lisa Diaz (her Instagram profile here) and Jaron Apalategui. Our sincere thanks to them for helping us document the details of the day.
For the Love of Pixar: Sweet! Emotions. Selfie Booth. Photo taken by Jaron Apalategui.
With the help of 725 or so guests who stopped by between February 26-27, our volunteers, our partners (Newbreak Church, Tap Lighting, Print Post), the bands (Nations, Mason James McDonough, the Witty Banters), and artists, we were able to raise nearly $1,800 for the following three organizations: Krochet Kids, intl., Give Clean Water and Ocean Beach Elementary School.
Give Clean Water info and merch booth. Photo taken by Jaron Apalategui.
'Inside Out' Headquarters. Photo taken by Lisa Diaz.
Bing Bong's Rocket. Photo taken by Lisa Diaz.
Imaginary Friends Wall. Photo taken by Roberto Comparan
Art by Daniel Davis, Benson Shum, and Crystal Dawn Godat (clockwise).
Art by students at Newbreak Playschool. Photo taken by Lisa Diaz.
Thank you to everyone who supported us and continues to get behind this crazy project! We really could not have done it with out you.
Artists showcased in 2016 are listed here in no particular order: Morghan Gill, Roberto Comparan, Ryan Manda, Marilyn Ortega, Anthony Helmer, Crystal Kepke, Zard Apuya, Crystal Dawn Godat, Christina Jose, Daniel Arnold, Danamarie Hosler, Whitney Weber, Nate Kelly, Daniel Davis, John Attis, Elena Soto, Brittany Wolfe, Gica Tam, Joshua Otero, Rod Johnson, Lizette Guzman, Jesse Harbour, Brook Hampton, Jordan Latham, JJ Barrows, Verónica Casas, Benson Shum, Michelle Moricca, Dots, Nicole Gary, Barbara Kalustian, Jen Fine, Russell Richards, Caitlin Boring, Jennette Slade, Nathalie Moore, Yann Lee, Kaitlin Fleming, Jeremy Wilson, Josseline Tanus, Brady Gutierrez, Elizabeth Wheeler, Jenna Moore, Christian Calle, Luz Lopez, Ricky Le-Nguyen, Rosie Wertz, Mary Cox, Audrey Hooper, Tyler Fine, Evan Fine, Everen Maxwell, Christian Graves, Boston Clark, Newbreak Playschool, and Page Private School.